Groovy Glitter

Launched a cosmetic glitter business with a USP of providing biodegradable glitter. Set up the stall at various events in Nottingham and London, including famous venues Brixton Jamm, Vauxhall's Street Food Garden and Rooftop, Oval Space, Fest Camden, weddings, and charity events.

Collaborated with New Motion Fitness to glitter at their new week launch and Vauxhall's Street Food Garden during the World Cup in London. Also collaborated with established events to be their resident Glitter Artist at Cirque du Soul, Triple Cooked, and Floor Paradise.

Controlled all aspects of the business:

  • Branding Creation and Design

  • Social Media Management

  • Promotional Skills and Brand Awareness

  • Outreach, networking, and securing connections and collaborations

  • Leader and team player - eventually hiring a team to help to work on the stall

  • Management of financial costs and invoices

  • Gaining true insight into the industry, understanding of entrepreneurial and financial work


Project One